The company

Corporate Social Responsibility

BIDDLE INC, has been taking firm and important steps in everything related to Social Welfare.

Collaborators / Suppliers / Stockholders / Environment / Community / Government / Clients

  • Quality
  • Security and Health
  • Environment

Supporting the local communities I

BIDDLE INC generates empathy and builds bridges with local communities, whom we impact through our activities. We strive to hire a minimum of 80% unskilled labor from the local communities. We engage local community businesses to provide food, accommodation, and transportation services for our workers.

Supporting the local communities II

BIDDLE INC participates in the restoration of overwhelmed access routes (caused by natural phenomena) for the benefit of local communities.

Remediation of Lot 192 I

The remediation process involves treating the subsurface affected by pollution caused by environmental liabilities. At Biddle Inc, we work on the stabilization of high-voltage towers and slopes in Lot 192. Additionally, we also inspect the containment barriers placed in the canal and the affected ravines by the mini power plant.

Remediation of Lot 192 II

Furthermore, we participate in the reconstruction of reservoirs for water capture, among other activities.


Revegetation I

We have been carrying out the activities for the Abandonment of the Boca Satipo Este - 1X Exploratory Platform, located in the district of Mazamari, province of Satipo, Junín department.

The removal of existing structures that were used during the construction and operation stage of the exploratory platform has been conducted.

Revegetation II

We perform earthmoving operations (cut and fill) using heavy machinery to shape the topography.

We also carry out geotechnical works to control erosion on slopes, utilizing geosynthetics. These materials are used to prevent soil erosion caused by rainfall.

Revegetation III

Biddle Inc is responsible for the construction of nurseries where the species are prepared.

We carry out reforestation in the area impacted during the construction and operation stage of the Platform.

Lastly, we provide support throughout the process, ensuring proper care for the plants to not only take root but also thrive and grow.
